Who is Deborah Hanlon!
Have you met Deborah Hanlon?
If you haven’t you are going to really WANT TO! Imagine a regular mom of three boys with a wild and intriguing ability to RE connect YOU to Your True Nature. Sit in amazement at her ability to be specific, make you laugh until you cry, and cry until you LAUGH. We can assure you – There is NO OTHER Intuitive like Deborah Hanlon!!
I have a never ending passion (read, Obsession) for lifting people up and increasing their energetic vibrations. What does that mean? She wants to help YOU be HAPPY. How? She does it through laughter, compassion, and a no nonsense ‘say like it is’ NON JUDGEMENTAL demeanor.
My goal is to get people to expand out of the limited mindsets you are currently stuck in and will challenge you to color outside the lines of your life! She will push you – gently, yet firmly with laughter and a deep compassion for YOUR personal Transformation. This may come in the form of a reading with your loved ones who have crossed over, a private one on one Guidance and Insight session, or by attending a specially designed workshop just for you!
Deborah likes to see YOUR PROGRESS. YOUR Evolution. YOUR Growth. YOUR Happiness. Her goal is to get people to expand out of the limited mindsets you are currently stuck in and will challenge you to color outside the lines of your life! She will push you – gently, yet firmly with laughter and a deep compassion for YOUR personal Transformation.
SO WHO IS Deborah Hanlon?
I find the most rewarding part of my profession is when I can help others to realize and step into your fullest Potential. Life has a tendency to make us feel that we are 'stuck' or are uncertain of our Purpose and direction. THIS is my specialty!
You have experienced LIFE… some of it has been good and easy. Some of it, has not. I have a unique method of guiding you through your HUMAN STUFF!(aka CR*P!)
And guess what.. I am going to Guide you to take your traumas, dramas, anxieties, self doubts and uncertainty and Transform them ALL into a life you love to live!
What should you expect in this course?
Well.... I will most certainly keep it real, authentic, and yet won’t stop at pushing those parts of you that need to be tweaked. You can’t ‘hide’ from an intuitive. I feel WAY too much stuff.. I can help you see what limited beliefs you have that are keeping you feeling 'stuck' and I can help uniquely navigate your path in a way that works for YOU and the way you are 'wired'. You haven't even come CLOSE to scratching the surface of your potential.. YET !
Please watch the brief video for my brief Introduction!
Deborah Hanlon