Welcome Video !!
I am so looking forward to working with you on your Spiritual journey and I cannot express my own delight in your commitment to working towards your own personal development and growth. Thank you for choosing me to be a part of your Enlightenment.
There are a few things I would like you to be aware of before we begin. Watch the video for these details.
Be sure to sign up for our Intuitive Coaching w/ Deborah Hanlon Facebook Page at https://www.facebook.com/groups/7Paths/?ref=share .
I Create very 'safe spaces' on our social media platforms. Be sure to pay attention to my social media 'rules' as far as giving advice to one another and self promotion in the video.)
Be sure to post ANY questions you may have in the Facebook platform.
Please take the Wheel of Life 'quiz' online before our first class! Print out or screen shot your results.
Journal Experience.
Ask yourself.. Why did you sign up for this course? Write down what you are looking to get out of this experience. Who are you today and what is it that you 'need' and 'want' for yourself ?
If you are interested in adding a 1:1 private session w/ Deborah to your Intuitive Life Coaching experience, email us at [email protected] to schedule !
Looking forward to Reconnecting you with YOURSELF.
Hello and Welcome!
Thank you so much for choosing THIS program to help you along on your Spiritual and yet, very Human journey. I am beyond grateful for your trust in my work and thrilled you have demonstrated a sense of commitment to your own personal growth. When you take steps towards going inward, you will always progress forward. Your relationships become more fulfilling, your career with soar, your love for yourself will expand , you can gain confidence and jump out of your comfort zones more easily. There is SO MUCH to be gained by learning simple insights into energy, how the Human mind works and how we can create a life we love to live!
Remember.. what you 'put into this course' is directly correlated to what you will get out of it. Do the work.. make site aside for YOU every week to watch the videos and do the exercises I assign. However, more forward with COMPASSION for yourself . You don't have to be 'perfect' . If you fall behind in your coursework, that's ok. It's all here for you when you can turn to it. I want to see you finish ..but doing it in your own time is KEY.
Please be sure to watch the video for all the necessary information you will need to begin!
If you have a Facebook account, please be sure to join our group page and introduce yourself.
I work diligently on creating and keeping a 'safe space' on all social media accounts. Be sure to pay attention to my Facebook 'rules' in regards to giving advice to one another and self promotion in the video. I want everyone to feel our group is a welcoming, supportive and safe place you can go to to vent, ask questions and share your progress.
Please take the Wheel of Life 'quiz' online before our first meeting together. Print out to take a screen shot of your results. Note to your self, did you results surprise you ? How so?
Take a moment or two to journal a bit about Why you have chosen to take THIS course with me at this time. Note what is it that you are looking to achieve. What do you feel is 'missing' in your life, or what direction would you like to move towards. Describe how you are feeling on a day to day basis before you start this program.
If you are interested in scheduling a package or an individual 1:1 private session with Me, please email [email protected] to set it up! You can choose this option at ANY time, however, I strongly recommend doing it in the beginning of the program so you get ahead of your work and I can keep you accountable!
Again, thank you and now it's time to GET excited! Your dive inward is JUST beginning.. !