This course is for those who are looking to bring some wind into your sails. Sometimes, you get to a point in life where you just feel stuck and you need to set your sights on something new.

In this course, you will create a NEW Vision, clear away the past and upgrade our vibration!

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This bundled course pack has a little bit of everything to get your mind thinking in the right direction to help you reboot and move forward with direction.

True Freedom comes in having a desire, creating a plan, vision or goal and working with those directions to put you IN the desired course.

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This is what I consider is a 'starter' pack of sorts. It gives you just enough.. but not TOO much . Follow this in your own way- Do as much as you want at any one time. Listen to it as if it were a podcast on your way to work, or carve out a full day to settle in and absorb all the content. You can take FULL action and go 'all in' or take it slowly, step by step n your own time. Take what you LIKE, and leave out the rest!

YOU are your ultimate GURU and this is just a small, yet potentially powerful nudge to get you moving forward.

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Set your sails!

Hi, I’m Deborah!

Be the Captain of your Own Life!

This photo was taken while I was on a sailboat with family. It is one of my happiest recent memories. On this excursion, we experienced freedom with direction- and THAT is my 'theme' for 2023. Creating Freedom doesn't mean you can do whatever you want, whenever you want. It means you can experience Freedom once you give yourself a DIRECTION with which to express that freedom!

True Freedom comes in having a desire, creating a plan, vision or goal, and working with those directions to put you ON the desired course.


YOU are the Captain of your OWN life . Let this course be the wind that fills your sails!


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Frequently Asked Questions

Does my course bundle include 1:1 coaching?
This course does not offer 1:1 live sessions, but you can always schedule an Intuitive Guidance 1:1 session with me by emailing my office at [email protected]

Do I have to do all the courses all at once?

NO! This is all about YOU - listen to it while you are doing laundry, or while on a plane. Set a few hours aside and do it all in one day- there is no one way to complete this course!